Preschool Math Curriculum | Math Pyramid
Our Preschool math games, exercises and worksheets cover basic concepts to help your student prepare for kindergarten.
Teach students that objects of different types can be counted together.
Counting Objects That are DifferentPrint our color by number worksheet for the number 1. It provides fun hands-on exposure to numbers.
Color By Number Pear Worksheet for Number 1Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, "flat") or three-dimensional ("solid").
3D Shapes vs 2D ShapesMinigames
Sort chickens from smallest to largest. This math game helps students learn to sort items by size.
Small to Big Chickens Sorting GameThis measurement game helps students recognize short vs long objects.
Measurement Game Short vs LongCount the black cats in this fun Halloween Game. Practice counting one through five.
Black Cat Halloween Math GameThis fun St. Patrick's Day counting game helps students practice counting in a fun and engaging way.
St. Patrick's Day Math Game Counting Pots of GoldYour student will learn to recognize shapes and count at the same time with this fun math game.
Count The Circles Math GameSelect the box with more birds. Practice the counting and more and less.
Birds: More or Less Math GameWhich side has the most cupcakes? Use your greater than, less than skills to eat the cupcakes.
Alligator Greater Than Less Than GameSort the bars from shortest to longest to practice sorting objects of different sizes.
Shortest to Longest Sorting GameTimed math practice for addition is the best way to get faster at practicing 0 through 10.
Minute Math – Addition Practice for Numbers 0 – 10Is the pizza above or below the chicken? Use this position game to learn above and below.
Above and Below Position Game with PizzaWhich side has the most cupcakes? Use your greater than, less than skills to eat the cupcakes.
Alligator Greater Than Less Than GameSort the bars from shortest to longest to practice sorting objects of different sizes.
Shortest to Longest Sorting GameIs the pizza above or below the chicken? Use this position game to learn above and below.
Above and Below Position Game with PizzaWorksheets
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