Subtract and Add Multiples of 10

Subtract and Add Multiples of 10

Description: Practice for CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.C.6 Subtract multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 from multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 (positive or zero differences), using concrete models or drawings and strategies.

Tags: 1st grade math, Subtraction, CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.C.6

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Question 1 (Short Answer, 10 points)

If you have 90 pieces of firewood and you use 70 pieces to build a campfire, how many pieces do you have left?

Question 2 (Short Answer, 10 points)

In a campsite, there are 80 tents. If 10 tents are collapsed by the wind, how many tents remain standing?

Question 3 (Short Answer, 10 points)

A group of scouts pick up 50 pieces of litter in the campground, but then find 30 more. If they picked them up too, how many would they have in total?

Question 4 (Short Answer, 10 points)

You packed 60 hot cocoa packets for your camping trip, and your group drinks 40 packets. How many packets do you have left?

Question 5 (Short Answer, 10 points)

There are 90 wildlife animals in the reservation, but 20 migrated to a different location. How many are left now?

Question 6 (Short Answer, 10 points)

You have 80 sleeping bags in the cabins, and you threw away 10 old sleeping bags, how many sleeping bags are left?

Question 7 (Short Answer, 10 points)

You counted 70 deer last summer but only 40 deer this summer. What is the difference between last summer's deer and this summer's deer sightings?

Question 8 (Short Answer, 10 points)

You hiked 60 miles on your camping trip and another 30 miles the next day. How many miles in total did you hike?

Question 9 (Short Answer, 10 points)

If the park has 90 park benches and they remove 20 for repairs, how many park benches are left?

Question 10 (Short Answer, 10 points)

You spotted 70 birds and then 40 more on your bird-watching hike. In total, how many birds did you spot?