Find the Unknown Whole Number

Find the Unknown Whole Number

Description: Practice for CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.D.8. Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers.

Tags: CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.D.8, 1st grade math, Addition, Subtraction

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Question 1 (Short Answer, 10 points)

What number makes this equation true? 8 + ? = 11

Question 2 (Short Answer, 10 points)

What is the missing number in the following equation: ? + 5 = 10

Question 3 (Short Answer, 10 points)

Fill in the blank. 4 + ? = 13

Question 4 (Short Answer, 10 points)

Consider the following equation. ? + 7 = 11. What number would go in place of the question mark?

Question 5 (Short Answer, 10 points)

What would be the number to make this equation true? 10 + ? = 15

Question 6 (Short Answer, 10 points)

What is the missing number in the following equation: 12 = ? - 3

Question 7 (Short Answer, 10 points)

Consider the following equation. 15 = ? - 2. what would go in place of the question mark?

Question 8 (Short Answer, 10 points)

What's the unknown number in this equation ? - 4 = 7

Question 9 (Short Answer, 10 points)

What number would make this equation true? ? - 6 = 10

Question 10 (Short Answer, 10 points)

What is the unknown number in the following equation: 15 = ? - 8