Addition and Subtraction in Space
Description: Practice for CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.C.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.
Tags: 1st grade math, Addition, Subtraction, CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.C.6

If an astronaut has 7 space stones and they find 5 more, how many do they have altogether?
There are 15 stars in a constellation, but 4 fall away. How many stars are left?
A spaceship has 9 fuel cells, and the captain finds 9 more. How many fuel cells does the spaceship now have?
There are 17 meteors coming towards a planet, but 7 are destroyed. How many meteors are still coming?
If a space rover finds 5 moon rocks, and then finds 4 more, how many moon rocks does it have altogether?
A star cluster has 14 stars, but 3 are sucked into a black hole. How many stars remain?
An alien has 8 space coins and it finds 5 more. How many space coins does the alien now have?
A space station had 18 space capsules, but 6 floated away. How many space capsules remain?
A space explorer found 6 crystals on one planet and 2 on another. How many crystals did they find in total?
A galaxy had 15 planets, but 5 were consumed by a supernova. How many planets are left?