Multiplication Cat
Description: Describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.
Tags: 3rd grade math, CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.A.1, Multiplication

If a cat has 4 legs, how many legs would 5 cats have in total?
If a cat has 2 ears, how many ears would 6 cats have?
If there are 3 cats in a room and each cat has 4 toys, how many toys are there in total?
Each cat has 2 favorite spots to sleep. How many favorite spots do 4 cats have in total?
If a cat usually catches 3 mice a day, how many mice would a cat catch in 7 days?
A cat eats 2 cans of food a day, how many cans will be eaten by one cat in a week?
A cat has 9 lives. If you have 3 cats, how many lives do they have in total?
If each cat drinks 2 bowls of water per day, how many bowls do 5 cats drink per day?
If a cat plays with 1 balls, how many balls do 6 cats play with?
If a cat has 2 eyes, how many eyes would 8 cats have?