Divide and Multiply Beach

Divide and Multiply Beach

Description: Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.

Tags: 3rd grade math, Division, CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.B.5, Multiplication

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Question 1 (Short Answer, 7 points)

If Billy found 3 seashells by the seashore and each seashell had 2 mini shells inside, how many mini shells did Billy find in total? 

Question 2 (True/False, 6 points)

If Sarah multiplies the 4 starfish she found by 2, she will have 8 starfish. Is this true? 

(Use properties of multiplication)

Question 3 (Short Answer, 6 points)

If John has 5 pails and each pail can carry 3 seashells, how many seashells can he carry in total? (Use multiplication to solve)

Question 4 (Multiple Choice, 7 points)

Dave has 2 buckets of 3 crabs and 3 buckets of 2 crabs. Does he have the same number of crabs in total from both sets of buckets? (Use properties of multiplication)

Question 5 (Short Answer, 6 points)

George has counted groups of seagulls (4 x 2) x 3 = 24. 

What does 4 x 2 x 3 = ?

(Use properties of multiplication)

Question 6 (Multiple Choice, 7 points)

Lily has 6 groups of 4 starfish. Billy has 4 groups of 6 starfish. Who has more starfish? 

(Use properties of multiplication)

Question 7 (Short Answer, 7 points)

If 6 palm trees each have 5 coconuts, how many coconuts are there in total? 

(Use multiplication)

Question 8 (Multiple Choice, 6 points)

Are 3 umbrellas with 4 beach balls under each the same as 4 umbrellas with 3 beach balls under each one? (Use properties of multiplication)

Question 9 (Short Answer, 7 points)

Eli saw 5 big waves at the beach, and each wave had 3 surfers on it. How many surfers caught waves in total? (Use multiplication)

Question 10 (Multiple Choice, 7 points)

If 7 sandcastles each have 3 flags, and 3 sandcastles each have 7 flags, do both sets of sandcastles have the same number of flags? (Use properties of multiplication)

Question 11 (Multiple Choice, 7 points)

Using what you know about multiplication, can you find the value of 7 x 8 if you already know 8 x 5 = 40 and 8 x 2 = 16?

Question 12 (Short Answer, 6 points)

If Phil digs 8 holes and puts 4 clams in each hole, how many clams has he placed in the sand? 

(Use multiplication)

Question 13 (Multiple Choice, 7 points)

If 5 families each bring 4 towels to the beach, do they bring the same number of towels as 4 families each bringing 5 towels? 

(Use property of multiplication)

Question 14 (Short Answer, 7 points)

If 9 dolphins each jump over 3 waves, how many times do they jump in total? (Use multiplication)

Question 15 (Multiple Choice, 7 points)

Are 5 groups of 7 turtles the same as 7 groups of 5 turtles?

 (Use properties of multiplication)