Position Above Below In Front Of Behind
Description: Describe the position of an object compared to another object.
Tags: Kindergarten Math Activities, CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.G.A.1, Above, Below, Next To, Behind, In Front Of, Kindergarten

Question 1 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)
Is the pterodactyl above or below the volcano?
Question 2 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)
Is the dinosaur behind or in front of the tree?
Question 3 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)
Is the dinosaur next to or above the cactus?
Question 4 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)
Is there a bone below or above the dinosaur?
Question 5 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)
Is there a flower in front of or behind the dinosaur?