Donut Shop Adding 3 Numbers

Donut Shop Adding 3 Numbers

Description: Practice Adding 3 numbers at the donut shop.

Tags: Addition, 1st grade math, CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.A.2

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Question 1 (Short Answer, 10 points)

Order 1: Sarah wants 3 donuts, John wants 5 donuts, and Chad wants 3 donuts. How many donuts will you put in the box?

Question 2 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

Order 2: The bookstore ordered 4 pink frosted donuts, 3 chocolate frosted donuts, and 2 blue frosted donuts. How many donuts are there altogether?

Question 3 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

Order 3: The car dealership ordered 4 green striped donuts, 2 striped donuts, and 1 donut with sprinkles. How many donuts will we deliver?

Question 4 (Short Answer, 10 points)

Order 4:  We got an order from the local shoe store!  Emma baked 3 chocolate cake donuts, 7 vanilla cake donuts, and 2 strawberry donuts. How many donuts did Emma bake in total?

Question 5 (True/False, 10 points)

During the day, it was so busy that John dropped 2 donuts, Jack dropped 3 donuts, and you dropped 1 donut. 

In total we dropped 6 donuts!  True or False?

Question 6 (Short Answer, 10 points)

We want to sell donuts at the farmers market.  You pick your favorite 5 donuts, Bob picks his 6 favorite donuts, and Carly picks her favorite 3 donuts.  How many donuts did we take to the farmer's market?

Question 7 (Short Answer, 10 points)

Business is picking up!  The local florist wants to order 8 green donuts, 9 yellow donuts, and 1 purple donut. How many donuts are we delivering?

Question 8 (Matching, 10 points)

Your school wants to order a box of donuts.  They asked for 3 donuts with sprinkles, 5 donuts without frosting, and 4 donuts with a crisscross pattern. How many donuts will be in the box?

3 + 5 + 4 =
Question 9 (Matching, 10 points)

We've decided to sell cookies too!  It's fall, and we want to make fall themed cookies.  There are 6 pumpkin shaped cookies, 3 leaf shaped cookies, and 2 apple shaped cookies. How many cookies are there in total?

6 + 3 + 2 =
Question 10 (Short Answer, 10 points)

Everyone loves our donuts! We decided to buy a donut cart to help distribute them around town.  Our cart will carry 7 glazed donuts, 6 blue frosted donuts, and 3 pink donuts with sprinkles.  How many donuts in total will be on the cart?