Write an Equation Halloween Math

Write an Equation Halloween Math

Description: Write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends. Halloween math worksheet.

Tags: Addition, 2nd grade math, CCSS.Math.Content.2.OA.C.4

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Question 1 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

There are 3 rows of apples, with 4 apples in each row. How many apples are there in total? Write an equation to show your answer.

Question 2 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

You have 5 rows of glow-in-the-dark stickers, and each row has 2 glow-in-the-dark stickers. How many stickers are there altogether? Write the equation that represents this.

Question 3 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

There are 4 rows of black chairs, with 3 black chairs in each row. How many chairs are there in total? Write an addition equation to express the total.

Question 4 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

In a room, there are 2 rows of crystal balls, with 5 crystal balls in each row. What is the total number of desks? Write an equation for this.

Question 5 (True/False, 10 points)

You have 4 rows of books, and each row has 5 books. How many books do you have in total? Is the equation below true or false?


Question 6 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

A garden has 3 rows of flowers, and there are 5 flowers in each row. How many flowers are there in total? Show the total using an addition equation.

Question 7 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

There are 5 rows of black cats, and each row has 3 black cats. What is the total number of plants? Write an equation to represent the total.

Question 8 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

You have 2 rows of spiders, with 4 spiders in each row. How many toys do you have altogether? Write the equation that shows the total.

Question 9 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

In a spooky bakery, there are 2 rows of cupcakes, with 3 cupcakes in each row. What is the total number of cupcakes? Express this with an addition equation.

Question 10 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

A class arranges 4 rows of pumpkins, with 2 pumpkins in each row. How many pencils are there in total? Write the equation for this.