Unknown Factor Problems with BBQ
Description: Understand division as an unknown-factor problem. This is a common core exercise.
Tags: 3rd grade math, Division, CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.B.6

Find the missing number: ___ × 7 = 42. What is 42 ÷ 7?
Real World: You need to cook 42 hot dogs, but only 7 fit on your grill at a time. How many sets of hot dogs will you grill?
If 6 × ___ = 54, what is 54 ÷ 6?
Real World: You will make kebobs with cherry tomatoes. You have 54 cherry tomatoes and 6 skewers. How many cherry tomatoes can you put on each skewer?
What number multiplied by 9 gives 72? Calculate 72 ÷ 9.
Determine the missing factor: ___ × 5 = 35. What is 35 ÷ 5?
Find the number that, when multiplied by 8, equals 64. What is 64 ÷ 8?
If 4 × ___ = 28, what is 28 ÷ 4?
What number, when multiplied by 3, equals 21? Calculate 21 ÷ 3.
Find the missing factor: ___ × 10 = 90. What is 90 ÷ 10?
What number, when multiplied by 11, gives 99? Calculate 99 ÷ 11.
Determine the missing number: ___ × 2 = 18. What is 18 ÷ 2?
Real World: You and your friend need to sell 18 burgers in total. If you split those into 2, how many burgers do you each need to sell?