Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Description: Multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups.

Tags: 3rd grade math, CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.A.3, Division, Multiplication

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Question 1 (Short Answer, 5 points)

Sophia has 5 baskets with 8 apples in each basket. How many apples does she have in total?

Question 2 (Multiple Choice, 5 points)

Isaac needs to pack 72 cookies into boxes. Each box holds 9 cookies. How many boxes does he need?

Question 3 (Multiple Choice, 5 points)

A classroom has 6 rows of desks, with 5 desks in each row. How many desks are there altogether?

Question 4 (True/False, 5 points)

There are 8 shelves in a library, and each shelf holds 7 books. There are 55 books.

Question 5 (Short Answer, 5 points)

A gardener is planting flowers in rows. If he plants 4 rows with 9 flowers in each row, how many flowers are planted?

Question 6 (Multiple Choice, 5 points)

A baker made 56 muffins and wants to pack them in boxes of 8. How many boxes does he need?

Question 7 (Multiple Choice, 5 points)

Emily has 24 candies and wants to share them equally among 6 friends. How many candies will each friend get?

Question 8 (Short Answer, 5 points)

There are 7 packs of pencils, and each pack contains 6 pencils. How many pencils are there in total?

Question 9 (Multiple Choice, 5 points)

A farmer has 9 rows of corn plants with 6 plants in each row. How many corn plants does the farmer have?

Question 10 (Short Answer, 5 points)

A school has 8 rows of lockers, with 10 lockers in each row. How many lockers are there in total?