Free Kindergarten Math Worksheets / Printables
Math Pyramid is proud to present over 100 free printable kindergarten math worksheets that will help your student’s knowledge grow while having fun. Each worksheet has a single purpose! Your kindergartener will learn important concepts like counting, addition, subtraction, shapes, position, time, patterns, directions and sorting through fun kindergarten math activities like coloring, drawing, cutting and pasting. Keep your little learner busy and engaged through these hands-on worksheets. We even have holiday math worksheets like St. Patrick’s Day worksheets, Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas math worksheets.
Numbers 1 - 10 Worksheet
Number recognition is important to young learners, and these number worksheets will help your student become familiar with writing numbers and recognizing them. Worksheets are the perfect hands-on kindergarten math activity!
Worksheets for the Number 1
Worksheets for the Number 2
Worksheets for the Number 3
Worksheets for the Number 4
Worksheets for the Number 5
Worksheets for the Number 6
Worksheets for the Number 7
Worksheets for the Number 8
Worksheets for the Number 9
Worksheets for the Number 10
Worksheets for the Numbers 1 - 10
Big and Small / Short and Long Worksheets
Use these big vs small and short vs long kindergarten worksheets to help your young students learn the difference between big and small objects as well as short and long. Comparisons are a great way to learn basic math concepts.
More and Less Worksheets
Use these more vs. less worksheets to practice the important math concept of more vs. less or greater than and less than.
Shapes Worksheets for Kindergarten Students
Math Pyramid has an excellent selection of shapes worksheets for kindergarten students including squares, triangles, rectangles, and circles worksheets.
Circle Worksheets
Square Worksheets
Triangle Worksheets
Rectangle Worksheets
Addition Worksheets
Holiday Math Worksheets
Have fun with math by using these colorful Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, and Halloween Math Worksheets! We have subtraction, addition, multiplication, division and maze worksheets, and activities!
Subtraction Worksheets
We have the best subtraction worksheets on the internet. Some are picture subtraction while others use numbers or games to assist your students’ learning.
Telling Time Worksheets
Use our telling time worksheets as a hands-on activity for your student to perfect their ability to tell time.
Patterns Worksheets
Practice patterns and help stretch your kindergarten student’s mind. Being able to find patterns is an important part of math learning.
Directions Worksheets
Learn about directions like right vs. left, up and down, and above and below by using our fun math worksheets.
Sorting Worksheets
Sorting is an important life skill, and our sorting worksheets make learning fun and interesting.